Easy way to Manage WordPress Websites on VPS in FREE


Hosting your WordPress or PHP websites on VPS (Virtual Private Server) can be nightmare if not familiar with system administration tasks. It takes good amount of time in installing software and configuring them for better performance and security.

If you are system administrator and have time then probably you will love doing this manually by your own. However, if you are not confident doing these things and plan to host your website on VPS like DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, etc for fast response and secure hosting then you can consider ServerPilot.

ServerPilot ease the process of getting your PHP or WordPress websites hosted on VPS. It takes care of installing the required software, configuration and keeps it secure.


You need to have 64-bit Ubuntu ready with minimum 256 MB memory. This must be empty that means don’t have any software installed like Apache, Nginx, PHP, and MySQL. Installing them will be taken care by ServerPilot.

If you don’t have VM ready yet, you may create one at your preferred Cloud Hosting Provider. I use DigitalOcean and happy with it.

What ServerPilot install on your server?

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Nginx
  • Apache
  • Firewall configuration

Must be wondering why Apache with Nginx. Well, they use Nginx as reverse proxy to forward request to Apache. This is very helpful if you intend to use “.htaccess”.

Getting Started with ServerPilot

Using ServerPilot is quite straightforward.

  • Create an account on ServerPilot website. It may take few seconds and once done, login with your credential.
  • You will have first screen after login to connect to your server
  • Click on “Connect a Server”
  • Enter your server IP address, Root password, SFTP password and click on “Connect to ServerPilot”. It will take few minutes to install and do the configuration and once done you can start managing WordPress website.
  • Click on “Create App”
  • Enter your website details and click on “Create App”
  • Go to “Apps” tab to verify your WordPress site is added

Now your WordPress is installed with all the necessary software. Next you want to access your WordPress and start blogging.

Isn’t it easy way to get WordPress ready? If you like this, share with your friends!