7 Best ERP Software of 2024 – Top Rated ERP Systems

ERP software

ERP software is designed to manage all the functions of a company, including sales, marketing, human resources, accounting and finance.

ERP software is a package of integrated programs that enables organizations to manage all their business processes in one place and at one time. It is a popular term for the application and integration of various business applications and systems into one.

ERP software can be used to track inventory, order, sales, shipping, customer relationship management (CRM), payroll, facilities management and more.

For example, if you are selling products on Amazon, then the ERP software will help you with inventory management and order fulfillment. The same goes for your employees who work in different departments like marketing, finance or customer service.

Top 7 Best ERP Software

There are several different types of ERP systems out there, including NetSuite and SAP Business One which are two popular options among small businesses as well as larger corporations.

To help you make an informed decision about which ERP solution is right for you in 2024 we have compiled a list of the best ERP software.

1. NetSuite ERP

NetSuite ERP is a cloud-based, complete enterprise resource planning solution that allows you to manage all aspects of your business. It’s designed for small businesses and large enterprises alike, so it can be used by companies from start-up to Fortune 500.

NetSuite ERP was created by Oracle Development Corp., which has been in the software development business since 1977. The company’s headquarters are located in Redwood City, California; they also have offices in countries around the world including Canada and India (where they have helped develop technology solutions for Indian banks).

2. Oracle ERP

Oracle ERP is a comprehensive business management solution that provides a single system of record for all your business data, enabling you to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization. It can be used by any type of business, including small shops and large corporations.

Oracle ERP is an integrated suite of applications that includes an enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite; manufacturing management system (MIS); enterprise content management platform; human capital management tools; financials and accounting modules such as payroll & benefits administration; supply chain visibility solutions like SCM or ERP@Work powered by SAP HANA technology

3. Sage Enterprise Management

Sage Enterprise Management (formerly Sage X3) is a cloud-based ERP solution that’s best for small and medium-sized businesses. It’s available in three editions: Professional, Premium and Ultimate.

The Professional edition costs $2,495 per user per year—the most economical option for companies with five to 10 employees or less. The Premium version starts at $4,295 per user per year and provides more features than its free sibling; it includes support for multiple users plus integrations with external systems like Salesforce or SAP CRM. The Ultimate version costs $7,995 for each seat on your network (up to 20 users).

4. SAP Business One

SAP Business One is a cloud-based ERP system that’s easy to use and can be adapted to meet your business needs. It’s a good fit for small businesses looking for an ERP solution, as well as those who have used SAP in the past but are looking for something simpler.

A comprehensive business solution offering complete functionality across finance , CRM , inventory / warehouse management among many other areas critical for successful day -to -day operations. The intuitive user interface makes navigation easy even if users aren’t particularly tech savvy making it ideal choice regardless size company may be.

Additionally its mobile app allows access key information anytime anywhere enabling remote workers stay connected wherever they may be located thus improving collaboration between teams leading higher levels productivity overall!

5. MS Dynamics 365

MS Dynamics 365 is a business management software used to track financials and other key business processes. This cloud-based platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools that enable users to manage finances and operations across multiple locations with ease.

MS Dynamics 365 has helped companies reduce costs and increase productivity. It’s one of the most popular business solutions on the market. It also provides real-time insights into performance metrics like revenue growth or customer satisfaction levels so that managers can take proactive actions quickly when needed.

MS Dynamics 365 is designed for small to medium-sized businesses, including those in the manufacturing, construction, distribution, and retail industries.

The best part of MS Dynamics 365 is that it works with your current accounting system so you don’t have to change anything. You can start right away with a free trial of MS Dynamics 365 and get started saving time and money while improving efficiency within minutes!

6. Epicor ERP

Epicor ERP is a high-level, integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform that helps you understand and manage your business. It’s an all-in-one solution that lets you automate processes, centralize data, and improve information security.

Epicor ERP supports a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, retailing and services. It is a complete suite of business management software that helps companies achieve their goals by providing an integrated solution. It provides the tools that enable you to manage your entire enterprise, including finance and accounting, human resources, marketing and sales, manufacturing and inventory management, product lifecycle management (PLM), service management (SMP) and field service support.

7. Acumatica

Acumatica is the most comprehensive, feature-rich and easy-to-use business software solution in the world. It incorporates all aspects of your business workflow and provides real-time visibility across enterprise applications, such as accounting, inventory management, payroll and human resources.

Acumatica is an integrated suite of applications that automate all internal processes. This includes financials, sales transactions, manufacturing operations and customer service activities.

The software integrates with Microsoft Office 365 and Google Apps for Business, as well as many other popular tools such as QuickBooks, Salesforce and Sage 50 Accounting. Acumatica ERP is available in both on-premise and cloud-based versions.


What is ERP?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and it’s a software category that provides a single platform to manage all aspects of your business. It has been around since the 70s, but only recently has it become popular in smaller companies who are looking for an integrated solution to their operations.

The term ‘enterprise resource planning’ comes from the world of manufacturing and describes how companies can use their ERP software to coordinate production schedules and inventory levels across multiple locations. The basic idea behind this process is that each location will have its own worker who will be responsible for making sure that the production schedule stays on track.

What are the Benefits of ERP Systems?

ERP software is a computerized system that helps businesses to manage their operations. It is designed to improve efficiency, control and the overall performance of an organization.

An ERP system is a major step in any business’s growth and allows them to create a more flexible and efficient environment for their employees.

ERP software can help you streamline your business processes, increase efficiency and improve profitability. Here are some of the benefits of using an ERP system:

  • Increase profitability

An ERP system will help you track your expenses and revenue as well as provide you with reports on sales, marketing campaigns and inventory levels. With this information you can make better decisions when it comes to spending money on advertising or new products or services. You can also use this data to determine if there are areas where your company could save money by improving the way it does things now.

  • Improve efficiency

An ERP system will allow you to manage all your business information from one location so that it’s easy for everyone involved in the process to access it at any time. This means less time spent looking for information when it’s needed and more time spent doing what needs doing – growing your business!

What are the Key Features of ERP Systems?

ERP software has many features that can help you streamline your business. Some of the top features include inventory management, purchasing, manufacturing and sales. ERP systems also have tools to help track financial transactions and provide accurate reporting on sales and expenses.

Who Uses ERP Systems?

ERP systems are used by companies of all sizes, from small to large. ERP systems are essential for any business that wants to stay competitive. Those who use ERP systems include:

  • Manufacturers
  • Processors
  • Packagers and distributors
  • Distributors and wholesalers
  • Retailers


As businesses continue to grow and expand, the need for efficient enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is becoming increasingly important. ERP software helps organizations manage their operations more effectively by streamlining processes such as inventory management, financial reporting, customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain optimization, and human resources. With so many options available in the market today, it can be difficult to choose the best ERP software for your business needs.

In the 21st century, businesses are competing with each other and with their customers. The best way to win is by having an effective ERP software in place. An ERP software can help you manage your entire business. It handles all aspects of the operations of your company from sales to finance and everything in between.

ERP software is a business management system that integrates all of the company’s data, processes and activities in one place. The goal of ERP software is to improve the efficiency of operations and help businesses make better decisions.