Use YouTube Remarketing to Get Better Leads


We all know YouTube – the video sharing platform, which allows users to search, watch and share a variety of videos. These factors help marketers to advertise their products/services and reach out to a large audience. It’s a simple logic. If videos are well-made, people find them more interesting than written content.

In the world with a million plus YouTube channels and a few more excellently designed video-based sites rising in competition, conventional marketing using YouTube videos is an aged concept. The next level is remarketing. Let’s see what that means.

Say a viewer likes the content on your YouTube channel. Remarketing means ensuring that he/she is drawn into the channel repeatedly, by the means of showing tailored ads across different sites or channels visited by the viewer. It is not any manner of forced feeding, but it is simply a form of feeding it right.

Who can be targeted for remarketing? Anyone who has performed one of the following actions:

  • Viewed/Interacted with a video
  • Subscribed to or unsubscribed from a channel
  • Viewed/interacted with in-stream ads
  • Visited the channel

What are the benefits YouTube Remarketing

YouTube allows users to create remarketing lists of target audiences who are determined by the type of content provided and viewers’ own personal statistics as well as preferences. Key benefits include:

Return on investment

By targeting only the interested customers, advertisers using remarketing can improve their ROI substantially. Media companies which relied on conventional promotional and marketing strategies had to put the advertisements wherever they could with the goal of creating a maximum public awareness. Only a smaller section of the public would be turned into an audience, thereby rendering most of the marketing costs useless.

Remarketing on the other hand, is a more non-conventional and sophisticated promotional tactic, which reduces significant amount of marketing expenses and still builds an audience out of a solid viewership.


A YouTube video garners millions of views in a short span of time. So remarketing through YouTube, allows the user to reach potential customers more quickly than by remarketing elsewhere. Firstly, hitting the ‘Million’ target can be a hard work in itself, but at present there are many proven tools and strategies that could contribute towards that goal.

Modern digital technology has allowed users to capture breathtaking images on even a simple consumer range camera, (let alone the mesmerising world of high-end DSLR cameras) which are processed in computers using the complex and sophisticated editing programs. Capturing a technically sound picture has now become simple, thereby letting users spend more time understanding the content they like.

A good video clip with a good concept, which has the potential to reach out and win over a large portion of audience needs a ‘Gentle Push’ to trigger the rapid growth toward the ‘Million’ views. Further on, remarketing can be an icing on the cake to bring back the viewers for more.


We have all heard of a famous creator’s proverb that the picture is worth thousand words, and a moving picture can be worth a hundred thousand more. The Phi Phenomenon aside, a moving picture helps to deliver the desired message to the viewer in an impressive manner. A potential customer in the digital age likes to receive all kinds of virtual demonstrations, which is why many companies are spending hefty amounts on designing online simulators to heighten their customer’s interest in a product.

The simulation technology may be worthy or not, but a good look at the product’s performance over a multimedia channel is sufficient to sustain customer’s interest.

Location targeting

YouTube is a worldwide phenomenon, yet it can restrict your highly viewed and promoted content in the face of regional restrictions and preferences. There are workarounds to such pitfalls of video marketing, which is where remarketing comes into the picture. Providing annotations, subtitles or any means of easy translation will be allowed through the regional filters in any location.

Key features of YouTube remarketing

Follow these steps to make the most of YouTube remarketing:

  • Use different targeting methods like demographics, YouTube search keywords, display network keywords and interests, topics and geo targeting to reach customers. Enhanced SEO strategies with Video Marketing can also prove to be beneficial to generate site traffic.
  • Make use of creative formats on Google display network, such as text, image and media ads.
  • Use ad words to easily create, manage and target your remarketing lists.
  • Optimize the results by using tracking methods and reaching out to custom audiences (by combining the remarketing lists).

YouTube Remarketing works for targeting the visitors who watched videos and interacted with them, but for some reason did not convert into customers. Marketers can use the feature to channel the attention of such potential customers, to click on the ads in the video to link them back to the main business sites.