Spray Paints and Roll Paints for Walls – Pros & Cons

spray paints and roll paints

What options do you have while painting a home? Well, paintbrushes and rollers are not the only options available now; we have paint sprayers that can be used for both the small and large painting projects, whether it’s about home remodeling or changing the exterior of a six-story building, you have got a lot of options to consider before making any decision.

Although rollers are old school method of painting, they require more time, even the finishes are not that professional and good-looking, but one thing that rollers have is; that they don’t require expertise for you to paint with nor any special skill is required to work with them. Therefore, they are the easiest tools to use for painting and remodeling purposes.

On the other hand, Spray paints are more efficient, save time, the finishes are silky and glass-like smooth, and the job becomes less tiring. Spray paints can cover large areas in less time, making your painting job a lot easier and less time-consuming. They are the best painting tools when covering large areas like the exterior of a building or painting a home for the first time.

This blog will discuss the difference between spray paints and roll paints, their boons and banes, and what you should consider for your home remodeling and renovation projects.

Spray Paints

Sprayer paints are a great option when you have to paint your place for the first time or when you are remodeling the whole interior of your home. Paint sprayers spray a very fine mist of paint particles on the aimed surface, giving it a glass-like smooth and silky finish that no paintbrush can give, no matter how you try. Some of the highlighting features of spray paints are;


Spray paints are fast and are the best painting tool for large painting projects. You cannot only use them in painting your walls, but they can paint on wooden planks quite efficiently and quickly too.

Glass-like Smooth Finish

It is true that rollers can compete to spray paints to some extent as both work efficiently in different settings; however, the silky smooth finish that spray paints offer is unbeatable.

An Even Layer of paint

Spray paints apply a thin and even layer of paint on the desired surfaces and will not leave your walls two-toned or textured, giving your walls a smooth and un-textured appearance.

Save Paint

Spray paints apply a very fine mist of paint, and very small paint particles are atomized through the sprayer gun onto the desired surface, which means the only desired amount of paint is applied on the surface. The even layer of paint saves the use of the excessive amount of paint on the walls or the aimed surface.

Best Option for All Surfaces

When remodeling your house, your walls might not be the only thing that needs a new coat of paint, and rollers might not come in handy when painting non-flat, curved, or uneven surfaces.

Reach Everywhere

Old school methods and tools of painting couldn’t cover all the surfaces because they couldn’t reach all the surfaces; however, spray paints, unlike paintbrushes, can cover every area of your house. It reaches all the crevices and cornices of your surfaces, making it feasible and easy to paint on such uneven and cranny surfaces.

Pros of Spray Paints

The advantages of using spray paints are as follows;

Spray paints cover large surfaces: Because of the time-saving property of the spray paints, the users are able to speed up their painting projects, and hence large areas are covered in a fraction of time.

Glass-like smooth finishes: The pristine and silky finishes are only provided by spray paints, and they make your walls and painted surfaces more pleasant, professional, and smooth.

Fill the gaps with your paint sprayers: Rollers and paintbrushes cannot fill the gaps, nor can they reach the cornices and crevices of your walls. Moreover, if you want to fill gaps with paint, the best option is to use spray paint.

Covers curved and round surfaces: Unlike rollers, spray paints are not limited to flat surfaces only, and they allow you to paint on a variety of different surfaces, curved, round, and uneven surfaces included.

Cons of Spray Paints

Despite all the salient features of spray paints, which make them a top choice when looking for the best painting tool for home remodeling and other painting projects, there are some banes of spray paints that one must not overlook. The cons of spray paints are as follows;

Practice is required: Paint sprayers are not something that you just buy from the market and start using; they require expertise, special skills, and a lot of practice to get a good grip on these powerful devices. One must practice using the sprayer before trying it out on the home walls.

Sprayers Require Preparation: Unlike paintbrushes and rollers, sprayers need preparation before you start spraying paint with them. You need to cover all the unwanted surfaces, the surfaces you don’t want to get ruined because sprayers spread paint particles here and there due to a number of factors.

Sprayers Require Cleaning and Maintenance: A major drawback of paint sprayers is that they need heavy maintenance and deep cleaning after every single use. Sadly, if you don’t clean your gun after using it, it won’t make it to your next painting project.

Roll Paints

A roller is a conventional painting tool that comes in handy in home renovation and remodeling projects. You can easily cover your ceilings and walls with paints with your rollers, and literally, no expertise is required to work with a roller.

Thick Layer of paint

Rollers apply a thick layer of paint on the walls, and the size of the roller totally depends on you and the quality; however, the quality has a great impact on the finishing of your paint. Poor-quality rollers create a lot of mess and leave your wall uneven and textured, which you would definitely want for your walls.

Size of the Roller and its Impact on Paint

The size of the rollers helps you in determining how much area you will cover with one stroke of the roller, and you can choose the size according to the aimed surface. Another factor that can add to the importance of the size of the roller is precision; small rollers allow you to be more precise with your work.

Great Tool for Beginners

If you are new to painting and painting tools, rollers are the best option to consider while starting your home remodeling expedition because not only are they easy to handle, but unlike paint sprayers, they don’t require practice or skills to work with them.

Pros of Roll Paints

Let’s look into how roll paints help you in your paint projects and what advantages do they bring to the table;

Ideal for Beginners: Rollers are ideal painting tools for beginners as no prior experience or expertise is required to work with them, and even novice users can handle them quite well. They are simply very easy to use, and you can paint effortlessly with them without worrying too much like most users do while working with powerful paint sprayer machines.

Rollers can be paired with extension poles: Many people use rollers to paint the ceilings as well, so to make it less hectic and tiring, they pair their rollers with the extension poles to add to the actual length of the rollers and reach higher surfaces with ease.

No Maintenance and Minimal Cleanup: Unlike the paint sprayers, rollers don’t require deep cleaning and heavy maintenance; instead, you can just wash your rollers with soap and water to remove excess paint, and they are ready for the next paint project!

Budget-Friendly: If you want your home remodeling project not to put a strain on your bank, rollers are a great choice because, unlike paint sprayers, you don’t have to break your bank to buy a roller. Even if you buy an excellent quality roller, it will still be nothing in front of the price of a paint sprayer!

Cons of Roll Paints

With boons, banes come too, and although rollers are both inexpensive and easy-to-use tools for painting, they too have disadvantages, which are as follows;

Not the best option for textured surfaces: Rollers cannot cover textured surfaces, and if you have popcorn ceiling or curved or round surfaces, rollers are not a great option to spend money on, as they won’t be able to cover everything.

Painting with rollers can get messy: You will have to take precautionary measures so that your paint doesn’t drip on the floor, as well as you will have to make sure you don’t hit the surfaces you don’t want to paint. Extra care is required while working with the rollers.

Over to You!

Spray paints and roll paints have their pros and cons, and one must choose very carefully on the basis of the work requirement. Your budget also impacts your decision greatly because not everyone can get a sprayer. Likewise, not everyone compromises on the finishes, so the decision is totally up to you!