How to Improve Your Site Performance for 2023

improve site performance

In digital marketing space, making your website perform to drive traffic, convert those traffic into leads, subscribers or even just make them your fan is undoubtedly crucial. Certainly, there are lots of checklists you need to carefully go through in order to improve your site performance in terms of conversion, ranking and driving traffic to your website. It could be on-page checklist or link building checklist. But obviously, that’s not all there is to it, as there are other important things such as:

Site Trustworthiness

As always, trustworthiness is surely in the list. You need to improve the trustworthiness of your brand, be recognized in your niche as an expert or even become an influencer. In digital marketing space, earning trust and respect of your target audience is one important matter, so if your online marketing approach is to mainly focus on acquiring links, your website may find it hard to earn trust and you should change that! I mean it.

In a wise digital marketing approach, focusing on improving your site trustworthiness can help you improve your site performance not only in organic search but also in sales conversion funnel, so having these factors on your website may be able to help you a lot:

  • Provide quality information on your website – Information-rich websites often win the game in digital marketing since they are often highly rewarded in organic search.
  • Place social buttons on your website – It can help your new visitors have an idea of how your website is received by your target audience through social shares. The more social shares your website has, the higher trust it signifies.
  • Testimonials – Posting what your clients or partners say about your brand or services also helps increase your site’s trustworthiness especially for new visitors. Aren’t you proud to post on your homepage what people say about you?

Site Authority and Exposure

Helping your website increase its authority, visibility and exposure on other top ranking websites in your industry can help it perform better. By consistently sharing valuable information to their community, you can have a chance to get their attention and get noticed by other experts or even influential people in your industry.

Exposure can improve authority and authority signifies trustworthiness to your brand, which can help your site perform better. As part of making your website increase its performance online, taking the following approach can help you increase your site authority and exposure within your industry. Let’s do this!

  • Interview Pitching on related sites or blogs: Having interview exposure on quality blogs can help your website increase presence, authority and exposure to a wider audience you are also targeting.
  • Guest blogging on quality sites in your industry: Having exposure on top ranking blogs in your industry can give you an opportunity to share your expertise to your target audience, drive them to your website and more.
  • Forum Engagement: Actively communicating with your audience holds the key as well to help you increase your exposure, authority and trustworthiness, especially if you always share useful tips to the community.
  • Blog commenting: This should be done very carefully. Provide value to the community. Make your comment natural and don’t spam your comment by adding your link with optimized anchor text.
  • News site exposure: The hardest but the strongest indication of authority is a link from News site. You may need to have contact or use a platform like HARO to get an opportunity for the exposure.

Those above tactics are just few ways to help you increase your site authority and exposure. Remember that you always need to impress your audience through your content and content without value is a piece of spam.

Focus on Consistent Content Development

Another important factor that holds the key for a better site online performance is having more content. Topics that have decent amount of monthly search volume can help you improve your site performance by increasing your indexable pages with targeted themed keywords. In other words, in a wise digital marketing approach, writing content for the sake of having content is not a good idea.

You need to have people looking for information about certain topics, topics that you are writing about! Search volume is definitely important. Hence, having some tips like below in mind might be able to help you define topics with good search volume.

  • Target long-tail key phrases: Long tail keywords are those three and four keyword phrases which address what users are searching for very specifically. Hence, by targeting long tail keywords, your content can provide the exact answer that your targeted audience is looking for.
  • Choose key phrases with medium competition: High competition key phrases are usually too general and broad. Starting with medium competition ones might be a good idea.
  • Focus on themed keywords and not just one: This can help your content appear on various key phrases related to your topic.
  • Choose the keyword intent that fits your topic area such as Informational, Navigational and Transactional.

Keep in mind that providing unique and valuable information in your content is also important aside from optimizing your content for themed keywords.

Site Design, Health and Structure

Some of the key important factors to ensure your website will perform better not only for user experience but also in organic search is to optimize the design, health factors and structure of your website. Those three technical areas play a crucial part in a website performance. Hence, paying attention to optimizing those areas will give you a huge advantage as a result.

Below are important areas you don’t want to miss.

Site Design setup for user experience

  • Usage of text links navigation instead of flash
  • Proper and uniform usage of text format (font size, font style) on all pages
  • Implementation of breadcrumbs
  • Site compatibility on browsers and mobile devices
  • Avoid excessive usage of script and AJAX
  • Compatibility of website design to screen resolution

Site Health status for search engine purposes

  • Make sure you check your site’s duplicate issues
  • Proper creation of page title and description elements
  • Check your xml sitemap and robots.txt if they are properly optimized
  • Inspect your URL structure if it is user friendly
  • Check your site page speed for better user experience
  • Make sure you check for server response 404, 302, 301, 503, 500, etc.
  • Check if your images have alternative text

Site Structure status for UX and SEO

  • Check your site link depth to see if your product pages fall into 3-click rule
  • Inspect your site hierarchy structure
  • Make sure your site has an HTML page sitemap on 404 page

Since those areas play a crucial role in online marketing as part of helping a website increase its performance online, having them properly checked will ensure a better experience for your target audience, which will help to serve for your benefits in the long run.

Alright. We’ve come to an end of this article. I hope those tips can come in handy for your benefit. Do remember that in order to improve your website perform online, you need to make sure that you always provide better user experience, quality and valuable information to your audience and most importantly, you need to make sure that your website is not suffering from any technical issues preventing it from performing better!