10 Best Keyword Research Tools for 2024

keyword research

It is important to ponder upon reliable and best keyword research tools for SEO campaigns.

Keyword research is the prime part of any successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. It identifies the words and phrases that people use when searching for products, services, or information online. By identifying and targeting the right keywords, visibility of your website increases and drives more qualified traffic to your site.

What are keywords, and what is keyword research?

Words or phrases that people often use while searching for products, services, or information online are called keywords. Let’s say, if someone is looking for a new pair of shoes, they might search for “best running shoes” or “women’s sneakers.” These words and phrases are considered keywords.

It is the process of identifying and analyzing these keywords to understand how people are searching for products, services, or information online. The key goal of keyword research is to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords to target in your online marketing efforts, such as in your website content, ad campaigns, or social media posts.

Keyword research helps businesses and marketers understand the needs and interests of their target audience, and create content and campaigns that are more likely to attract qualified traffic and higher ranking. It is an essential part of any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, as it helps businesses and marketers understand what people are searching for and how to effectively target those keywords.

Best Keyword Research Tools

In this article, we will review the 10 best keyword research tools for 2024. These tools are designed to help you identify the most valuable keywords for your business, and provide valuable insights into the search landscape.

1. Google Keyword Planner

google keyword planner

To begin keyword research, Google Keyword Planner is on of the best keyword research tools. If you are new to keyword research process, using this tool would provide you convenience. Moreover, using a tool that has been produced by Google is always recommended for effectiveness as well as the productivity of the keyword research process. To be honest, this product was designed with the aim for advertising purposes. However, it can be used effectively for keyword researching process. Some of the significant features of this tool have been listed below.

  • It helps in searching for new or unique keywords.
  • Keywords come with search volume data, and that helps in better keyword research process.
  • It also comes with a traffic forecast for a particular keyword.
  • Users can enjoy using multiple keyword lists.

It’s a free tool that is part of the Google Ads platform. It allows you to research and plan your keyword strategy by providing data on search volume, competition, and cost-per-click (CPC) for different keywords.

When researching keywords with this tool, you need to be careful on a few aspects. The tool comes with data associated with keywords. You should check the competition, monthly search volumes, and other data carefully. All these information are provided by Google, as this tool is a product from Google. Hence, the authenticity of data is not a concern when you are using this tool.

2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that includes a keyword research tool. It offers data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. Ahrefs also provides valuable insights into the content that is ranking for a particular keyword, which can help you create more effective content.

3. SEMrush

SEMrush keyword magic tool

SEMrush is another comprehensive SEO tool that includes a keyword research feature. It provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. SEMrush also offers a keyword magic tool that allows you to generate a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword.

SEMrush is an impressive and advanced tool for active keyword research process. Webmasters or business marketing experts have frequently used this tool for conducting SEO as well as PPC campaigns. If you are into affiliate marketing job, you can also use this tool. Website owners must use this tool to find the most productive or useful keywords for the business marketing campaign for their online based business.

4. KWFinder


This tool will help you find long-tail keywords that has low competition. It provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. KWFinder also offers a keyword difficulty score that helps you gauge the difficulty of ranking for a particular keyword.

We often hear these days that short tail keywords are not more effective. Today, webmasters have to give importance to long tail keywords. For long tail keyword researching process, you need to use this tool. KWFinder is a trusted as well as useful tool for effective keyword research process. This tool is particularly famous for its options for long tail keyword research convenience.

5. Ubersuggest

This tool provides data on search volume, competition, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. It also allows you to generate related keywords list based on a seed keyword.

6. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a Chrome extension that provides search volume and cost-per-click data for keywords right in the Google search results. It also offers a keyword research tool that allows you to generate a list of related keywords and get search volume data for each keyword.

7. Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer

That is an advanced keyword research tool that has often been used by veteran webmasters. It has specific unique features that are not available with other contemporary devices. Some of the notable features of this tool have been discussed or highlighted below.

  • It shows relative CTR of organic results for search engine ranking.
  • It helps you to understand the impact of certain keyword for your business marketing campaign.
  • It helps to understand the potentials of relatively new keywords.

This tool provides advanced analysis for keywords. Data is fetched from Google, and then they are analyzed by the algorithm of this tool. Overall, it is an advanced tool which webmasters or business owners must use for effective business campaigning through search engines.

Moz Keyword Explorer is a keyword research tool that provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. It also offers an additional feature that allows you to generate a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword.

8. SERPstat

SERPstat is an all-in-one SEO tool that includes a keyword research feature. It provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. SERPstat also offers a feature that allows you to generate a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword.

9. Long Tail Pro

It helps you find long-tail keywords with low competition. It provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and the number of backlinks for a given keyword. Long Tail Pro also offers a feature that allows you to generate a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword.

10. Keywordtool.io


Do not go by the name of this tool, as the name would sound too simple or basic. In reality, this is a tool for the webmasters for advanced and critical keyword research process. This is a paid tool, though, for the first 750+ keywords, you can use it for free. It helps in understanding competition, impact and search volume of a keyword. As well you can find unique keywords that could be particularly crucial for your business campaigning. You can export all data associated with a keyword on this tool in CSV file format.

Keywordtool.io is a free keyword research tool that generates a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword. It provides data on search volume for each keyword and also offers a paid version that includes additional data on keyword difficulty and the number of backlinks for a given website.

Why do we use tools for keyword research?

There are several reasons why businesses and marketers use tools for keyword research:

  1. Save time: Keyword research can be a time-consuming process, especially if you are doing it manually. Tools can help you save time by quickly generating a list of relevant keywords and providing data on search volume, competition, and other metrics.
  2. Get accurate data: It can be difficult to accurately gauge the search volume and competition for a particular keyword without the help of a tool. Tools use data from various sources, such as search engines and advertising platforms, to provide accurate and up-to-date information on keywords.
  3. Identify valuable keywords: Keyword research tools can help you identify valuable keywords that have high search volume and low competition. These keywords can be used to drive qualified traffic to your website and help in the improvement of search engine rankings.
  4. Analyze the competition: Keyword research tools can also provide insights into the competition for a particular keyword. This can help you understand what you are up against and how to effectively target your keywords.
  5. Generate ideas: Many keyword research tools offer features that allow you to generate a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword. This can be a great way to come up with new ideas for content and optimize your website for a wider range of keywords.

Overall, keyword research tools can help businesses and marketers identify and target the right keywords to drive traffic and improve their search engine rankings.

Using tools for keyword research can be beneficial for businesses and marketers because they can help save time, provide accurate data, identify valuable keywords, analyze the competition, and generate ideas. Keyword research can be a time-consuming process, especially if you are doing it manually, and tools can help you save your time by easily generating a list of relevant keywords and providing data on search volume, competition, and other metrics.

Tools can also provide accurate data on keywords, as they use data from various sources, such as search engines and advertising platforms, to provide up-to-date information. If you are trying to gauge the search volume and competition for a particular keyword, this has proved to be very beneficial.

Importance of Keywords in SEO

To understand the benefits of keyword research, one has to understand the benefits of the keywords for SEO. An SEO campaign is nothing without proper keyword research process. To run a search engine optimization campaign successfully, a few things are required to be noted. The first and foremost thing is making a list of keywords that are related to your business. Keywords are nothing but the potential search terms that define or describe your business. When people enter a keyword in the search engine, the search engine finds pages that are somehow or somewhat related to the keyword.

Keywords are vital as they help businesses get recognition with the help of the search engine. As soon as people enter keywords in the search box, they shall land up with quality keyword related information. Due to all these things, the process of keyword research carries great importance in the process of business marketing via SEO. For selecting the keywords, different tools are used.

Keywords are an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO) because it helps search engines understand the content of your website and gives relevance to a user’s search query. By including relevant keywords in your website’s content, you can increase the chances of your website ranking well in search engine results for those keywords.

Here are a few reasons why keywords are important in SEO:

  1. Relevance: Keywords help search engines understand the topic and focus of your website’s content. By including relevant keywords in your content, you can signal to search engines that your website is a good match for a particular search query.
  2. Traffic: Keywords can drive qualified traffic to your website. By ranking well for relevant keywords, you can attract visitors who are actively searching for the products, services, or information that your website offers.
  3. Conversion: Keywords can also help improve your conversion rate. By targeting the right keywords, you can attract visitors who are more likely to be interested in your products or services, and are therefore more likely to make a purchase.
  4. Competitive advantage: Keywords can also give you a competitive advantage over your rivals. By identifying and targeting valuable keywords that your competitors are not, you can differentiate your business and attract more qualified traffic.

Overall, keywords are a main part of SEO as they help search engines understand the whole content and relevance of your website, and they can drive qualified traffic and improve your conversion rate.

In conclusion

Keyword research is an important part of any successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. It contains identifying the words and phrases that people use when searching for products, services, or information online, and targeting those keywords to drive qualified traffic and improve search engine rankings.

There are many keyword research tools available, and the best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. Some of the top keyword research tools for 2024 include Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, KWFinder, Ubersuggest, Keywords Everywhere, Moz Keyword Explorer, SERPstat, Long Tail Pro, and Keywordtool.io.

These tools offer a range of features and benefits, such as data on search volume, keyword difficulty, competition, and backlinks, as well as the ability to generate lists of related keywords. By using a keyword research tool, you can save time, get accurate data, identify valuable keywords, analyze the competition, and generate ideas for your SEO strategy.