How to Learn Full Stack Web Development?

full stack web development

Are you interested in becoming a full stack web developer? It’s a highly marketable skill set, and it can mean the difference between being stuck in a dead-end job and having the ability to work on any project you want. But what does it actually take to learn full stack web development? We’ll start with an overview of what makes a developer full stack, and then we’ll discuss each area of expertise in more detail. By the end, you’ll know where to focus your studies so that you can become a full stack web developer yourself!

First off, what makes a developer full stack? A full stack web developer is someone who can work on any project from start to finish. This includes everything from designing and building the user interface to coding the back-end logic and deploying the finished product. It’s a highly marketable skill set, and it’s in high demand these days.

So where do we start? If you’re new to full stack web development, we recommend starting with the basics. This means learning how to design and build websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These technologies are essential for every front-end developer out there, so it’s important to have a strong foundation in them. Once you’ve mastered those basics, you can move on to more advanced topics like React or Angular.

Front-End Development

As a front-end developer, your main focus will be on designing and building the user interface. This includes everything from the layout and styling to the interactive elements and animations. You’ll need to know how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create beautiful and functional web pages.

There are plenty of places to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you’re just starting out, we recommend checking out Codecademy or Coursera. They both offer free courses that will teach you the basics of these technologies.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can move on to more advanced topics like React or Angular. These technologies are used by many companies today, so it’s important to have a solid understanding of them. If you want to learn React or Angular, we recommend checking out Udacity or Pluralsight. They both offer excellent courses that will teach you everything you need to know.

Back End Development

As a back-end developer, your main focus will be on coding the back-end logic and database interactions. You’ll need to know how to use Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Elixir, and Node.js to build scalable web applications. Back-end development is a bit more complex than front-end development, so it’s important to have a strong foundation in both coding and software engineering principles.

Top Backend Development Technologies to Learn


PHP is a widely used programming language for developing dynamic websites. It is a server-side scripting language, which means that it runs on the webserver and generates HTML pages dynamically. This makes it a perfect language for developing web applications.

If you’re interested in learning PHP, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn PHP for Beginners – Udacity
  • PHP for Absolute Beginners – Codecademy
  • Learn PHP with MySQL – Lynda


Ruby on Rails is used for creating database-backed web applications, and it is known for its ease of use and rapid development cycle.

If you’re interested in learning Ruby on Rails, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn Ruby on Rails – Codecademy
  • Learn Web Development with Ruby on Rails – Lynda


Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for building scalable network applications. It employs an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to be lightweight and efficient. It is perfect for developing web applications, real-time applications, and microservices.

If you’re interested in learning Node.js, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn Node.js – Codecademy


Elixir is a programming language that combines the best features of Ruby and Erlang. It is designed for building scalable, fault-tolerant applications with concurrency and parallelism.

If you’re interested in learning Elixir, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn Elixir from Scratch – Codecademy
  • The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp – UdemyDevOps and the Cloud

Database Development

As a database developer, you’ll need to know how to use various database technologies like MySQL, MongoDB, and Cassandra. You’ll also need to understand how to design and implement database schemas.

Top Database Development Technologies to Learn

MySQL for Beginners

MySQL is a well-known relational database management system that is free and open source. It is used by many companies for storing data. If you’re interested in learning MySQL, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn MySQL – Codecademy
  • MySQL for Developers – Lynda

MongoDB for Developers

MongoDB is a popular document-oriented NoSQL database system. It is used by many companies for storing data. If you’re interested in learning MongoDB, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn MongoDB – Codecademy
  • MongoDB for Developers – Lynda

Cassandra for Developers

Cassandra is a popular open-source distributed database system. It is used by many companies for storing data. If you’re interested in learning Cassandra, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn Cassandra – Codecademy
  • Cassandra for Developers – Lynda

Web Development Frameworks

As a web developer, you’ll need to know how to use various web development frameworks. A web development framework is a collection of libraries and tools that help you build web applications more quickly and easily.

Top Web Development Frameworks to Learn

AngularJS for Beginners

AngularJS is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for developing single-page applications. It makes it easy to create dynamic, interactive user interfaces. If you’re interested in learning AngularJS, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn AngularJS – Codecademy
  • The Complete AngularJS Developer Course – Udemy

Reactjs for Beginners

ReactJS is a popular open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It makes it easy to create reusable components so that your code is more maintainable. If you’re interested in learning ReactJS, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn ReactJS – Codecademy
  • The Complete React Native and Redux Course – Udemy

Vue.js for Beginners

Vue.js is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for developing web applications. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to learn. If you’re interested in learning Vue.js, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Learn Vue.js – Codecademy
  • The Complete Vue JS Developer Course – Udemy

Web Security

As a web developer, you’ll also need to know how to protect your applications from various security threats. You’ll need to understand how to write secure code and how to detect and prevent attacks.

Top Web Security Technologies to Learn

OWASP for Developers

The OWASP Top Ten is a list of the most common security risks that can affect web applications. If you’re interested in learning more about web security, we recommend checking out the following courses:

  • Secure Coding Bootcamp – Udacity
  • Learn Python Security – Lynda
  • Hackers Exposed – Lynda

DevOps & Cloud Computing

DevOps is the process of integrating development, operations, and quality assurance into a single collaborative team. This means that you’ll need to be familiar with both the coding and system administration aspects of web development. In addition, you’ll need to know how to use cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services or Azure. This knowledge is critical for anyone who wants to learn full stack web development.

Top Cloud Computing and DevOps Tools and Technologies to Learn

As a DevOps engineer, your main focus will be on automating the software development process and deploying code to the cloud. You’ll need to know how to use tools like Puppet, Chef, or Ansible to streamline the process.

  • Learn Puppet – Codecademy
  • Learn Chef – Codecademy
  • Learn Ansible – Codecademy
  • Learn Amazon Web Services – Udacity
  • Learn Azure – Udacity

So, are you ready to become a full stack web developer? It’s a challenging but rewarding journey, and we hope this article has provided you with the information you need to get started to learn full stack web development. Good luck!