R Mat Cleaner: Everything You Need to Know

R Mat Cleaner

R Mat Cleaner is a powerful cleaner that can help remove dirt, grease, and grime from your mat. It’s also safe to use on any surface, including wood floors, tile, and marble. The key to making sure your mat stays clean and smooth is using a high-quality cleaner with a proven formula.

What is R Mat Cleaner?

R-Mat is a mat cleaner for yoga mats and exercise mats. It’s also known as an “R” mat cleaner, but we think it should be called the best mat cleaner ever!

It gets rid of germs and bacteria on your yoga, Pilates or Piloxing (Pilates with weights) mat. This will help keep you safe from infection when you are working out or practicing deep stretches in your home.

How does R Mat Cleaner work?

R Mat Cleaner is a biodegradable, non-toxic cleaner that works on all types of R-Mats. It removes dirt and grime from your mat without damaging it.

It can be used on any kind of yoga mats made with PVC or rubber (including latex), foam mats, fleece blankets and other materials such as canvas bags. You can also use it to clean your clothing if you need to remove stains from it!

Benefits Of R Mat Cleaner

If you’re a yoga practitioner and have been practicing for years, you may have experienced some problems with your mat. You can tell it’s been used by other people because it isn’t as firm or strong as yours. That’s okay–it happens to all of us! But if this has happened to you, then we have good news: R Mat cleaner is here to help!

1. High quality, affordable, and efficient.

  • High quality: This is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a mat cleaner. The R-Mat Cleaner is made from high quality materials and can be used for many years without causing any damage to your equipment.
  • Affordable: The price tag on this product is quite low compared with other similar products, making it an affordable option for anyone looking for a new way to clean their mats or rugs without having to spend too much money on them each year!
  • Efficient: You won’t have any trouble getting rid of stains and dirt because they will literally disappear into thin air after just one application!

2. Environmental protection.

You might be surprised to learn that a mat cleaning detergent can also be environmentally friendly. Rmat cleaner is a great product that can clean your mat without doing permanent damage, which is great news for the environment. It’s also safe for people with allergies or sensitivities and won’t affect the color or texture of your yoga mat when you use it.

3. Easy to use.

  • Easy to use.
  • Easy to follow instructions.
  • Easy to clean and store.
  • Easy to dispose of after use, if necessary (i.e., if your mats are old).

4. It’s better for you and the planet.

R Mat Cleaner is better for you and the planet.

  • It’s better for your health.
  • The ozone layer is important to life on Earth, so using an ozone-safe cleaner helps keep it healthy. That means less damage to our planet!
  • You’ll save money in the long run by using a non-toxic product that doesn’t require expensive replacements or extra care when it comes to time to change out your mats (which will happen more often than you’d think).

Simple step by step guide to clean up your mat.

  • Remove the mat from the mat rack.
  • Remove the mat from the cleaning machine.
  • Rinse the mat with water (or a mild detergent).
  • Dry your R-Mat using a towel or dryer (if you have one). If you don’t have any way of drying it, just leave it out on top of your garage floor and hope for the best!

If all goes well, your new R-Mat should be clean and ready to use again!

Clean your mat without damage

R Mat cleaner is a great product that can clean your mat without doing permanent damage. It works by making water soluble, which means it doesn’t take away the quality or feel of your mat. It’s also affordable, efficient, and easy to use.

It is better for you and the planet because it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals like other cleaners do; instead, it uses natural ingredients such as wheat bran and aloe vera gel to get rid of dirt without causing any harm or damage to your equipment!

Is R Mat Cleaner safe?

R Mat Cleaner is safe for most surfaces and most people. It’s safe for pets, too—even if your pet has a sensitive skin condition or allergies!

It is also safe for children under the age of eight years old. However, we recommend that you keep an eye on children younger than 8 years old who may be exposed to this product in their homes or schools until they reach puberty so that they can be sure it won’t cause any harm to them later on down the road (or at least when they become adults).

R-Mat stays clean and smooth.

The key to making sure your R-Mat stays clean and smooth is using a high-quality cleaner with a proven formula.

The manufacturer of our R-Mat cleaner has been in business for over 20 years, so they know what it takes to create an effective product that will not only keep your mat clean but also protect it from damage.


The manufacturer of our R-Mat cleaner has been in business for over 20 years, so they know what it takes to create an effective product that will not only keep your mat clean but also protect it from damage.

R Mat cleaner is a great product. It can clean your mat without doing permanent damage and it’s better for the planet than other household cleaners. If you’ve been looking for an eco-friendly cleaner that won’t cause any harm to your home or furniture, then this cleaner may be just what you need!